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Rohan Chavan

Go Randomify

Go Randomify is a lightweight command-line tool written in Go that allows you to generate randomized data within JSON templates. With Go Randomify, you can easily create dynamic JSON files for testing, prototyping,automations and more.


  • Template Filling: Easily populate JSON templates with randomized data.
  • Customization: Easily customize the type and format of randomized data.
  • Output format: Add output to Json files or pipe it to another tool
  • Current Support: int, char,uuid.


To install Go Randomify, you can use go get:

go get

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and build from source:

git clone
cd gorandomify
go build

Easiest way is to simply download the binary from the releases page.


Go Randomify provides a command-line interface for generating randomized JSON files. Here’s how to use it:

gorandomify -t <template-file> -o <output-file: optional>

-t, --template: Specify the path to the JSON template file.
-o, --output: Specify the path to the output JSON file (optional), if not passed prints JSON to stdout.

For more options and examples, please refer to the documentation.

Configuration / Template


$UUIDInserts a UUID
$INTInsert a random int (max 10000)
$INT(MIN:MAX)Insert a random int between a lower and upper limit (limit of 10000 is not applied here)
$CHAR(LIMIT)Add random characters upto passed LIMIT


You can customize the type and format of randomized data using a configuration file. Here’s an example configuration file:

  "uuid": "$UUID",
  "name": "rohan",
  "request_id": "$UUID",
  "some_int": "$INT(100:200)",
  "rand_int": "$INT",
  "rand_char": "$CHAR(100)",
  "data": {
    "lol": "asd",
    "foo": "asad",
    "aas": "asd"

Above template generates below json

  "data": {
    "aas": "asd",
    "foo": "asad",
    "lol": "asd"
  "name": "rohan",
  "rand_char": "jXEiPwYZ8rYYN8VEvlsW6f2E42HfYJma9EEEzgRCNO0V7IFxg6f1jg5arrEbPeop0xLKWjuGhnI8bcxfDJhWozl0IIDqcKwfrvZw",
  "rand_int": 540,
  "request_id": "4afab242-7d54-48cd-8f6a-501fe936ce66",
  "some_int": 181,
  "uuid": "3edea700-0cf1-46d6-8381-e137b4b3e65f"


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.